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About Sonoran Sky


Welcome to the BRAND NEW SONORAN SKY RESORT in Rocky Point, Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. Be one of the firsts to experience the new member of the Sonoran Resorts Family.  Located in the exclusive area of Sandy Beach, Sonoran Sky is the 4th member of the Sonoran Family, bringing with it newly designed floor plans, larger living areas, and state of the art features. The Sonoran Sky has only 1 building, facing directly toward the Sea of Cortez, which allows every unit to have an amazing ocean view. Amenities include Underground Parking, Concierge Service, Outdoor Poolside Movie Theater, Outdoor Chimenea, Hammocks, Shaded areas by Pools, Conference & Banquet Rooms, 1 Slide Pool, Beach Restaurant & Bar, Convenience Store, Internet Room, Fitness Center, Handicap Parking, Beach Palapas, 2 Adults Pools, 1 Child Pool, 1 Family Jacuzzi, Rooftop BBQ's, and an Aqua Bar. The Sonoran Sky will offer large 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms for rent, with stunning ocean views. Sonoran Sky is located just minutes from town, making it convenient to run to town for any supplies or activities you may want to enjoy. Sonoran Sky has a bright future in Rocky Point, adding to a growing list of beautiful resorts to explore on Sandy Beach. We will keep updating information and photos whenever possible, so continue to visit this page for current information.

Sonoran Sky Luxury Condo Rentals is brought to you by Rocky Point Travel - Rocky Point's Travel Agency.

Sonoran Sky takes luxury and amenities to a new level in Rocky Point. 






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