Class PFProAPI


public class PFProAPI
extends java.lang.Object

PFProAPI - PayPal Payflow Pro API class

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int CreateContext(java.lang.String HostAddress, int HostPort, int Timeout, java.lang.String ProxyAddress, int ProxyPort, java.lang.String ProxyLogon, java.lang.String ProxyPassword)
          CreateContext() - This function creates a context which is used to communicate with the PayPal Payment Server.
 int DestroyContext()
          DestroyContext() - Destroys the context created by CreateContext().
 java.lang.String SubmitTransaction(java.lang.String ParmList)
          SubmitTransaction() - Submits a transaction to the PayPal Payment Server.
 java.lang.String Version()
          PNVersion() - Returns the Payflow Pro Client Version string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PFProAPI()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String Version()
PNVersion() - Returns the Payflow Pro Client Version string.


public int CreateContext(java.lang.String HostAddress,
                         int HostPort,
                         int Timeout,
                         java.lang.String ProxyAddress,
                         int ProxyPort,
                         java.lang.String ProxyLogon,
                         java.lang.String ProxyPassword)
CreateContext() - This function creates a context which is used to communicate with the PayPal Payment Server.
HostAddress - Connect to address (Example:
HostPort - Port to connect to (Example: 443)
Timeout - Seconds in before transaction fails due to timeout
ProxyAddress - The address of your proxy server if you have one, "" otherwise
ProxyPort - The port of your proxy server if you have one, 0 otherwise
ProxyLogon - Your logon name on your proxy server if you have one, "" otherwise
ProxyPassword - Your password on your proxy server if you have one, "" otherwise


public int DestroyContext()
DestroyContext() - Destroys the context created by CreateContext().


public java.lang.String SubmitTransaction(java.lang.String ParmList)
SubmitTransaction() - Submits a transaction to the PayPal Payment Server.
ParmList - Variables passed to PayPal. See PayPal Integration Documentation.